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Machine Learning

Case study
AI-Driven Spa Revenue Optimizations
"Learn how a leading health and wellness provider partnered with KUNGFU.AI to enhance spa utilization and revenue through a tailored AI solution, projected to generate $39M in additional annual revenue with a quick breakeven point
Case study
Enterprise AI Assessment for Large Luxury Brand Retailer
Learn how a luxury retailer partnered with KUNGFU.AI to develop a comprehensive AI adoption strategy, gaining a competitive edge through advanced technology and a strategic roadmap for future growth.
Case study
Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Risk Assessment with AI-Driven Solutions
Discover how an innovative healthcare startup leveraged AI and machine learning to revolutionize breast cancer risk assessment, achieving superior accuracy and patient privacy protection through state-of-the-art modeling and Federated Learning
Case study
AI Generated Captions for Photobooks
Mixbook, a company specializing in creating customizable photo books, sought to enhance its product offerings and create a more engaging user experience. The company aimed to transition from a purely physical product to an integrated digital and physical experience.
Case study
The Waste Management Early Alert Rear Safety Device
Waste Management Early Alert Rear Safety Device
Creating an automated detection system for Waste Management to detect oncoming vehicles that pose risk for the riders could reduce injuries and save lives.
Case study
Case Study: iAd Personalization Engine- Apple was looking to provide improved targeting and personalization capabilities within their advertising platform
iAd Personalization Engine
Built an ensemble model leveraging historical user behavioral data.
Case study
Price comparison for e-commerce, a woman uses a laptop to shop online
Price Comparison
Developed a chrome extension for mobile web browsers that extract on-site data, mapping to product information from third-party sites. That data was processed using Random Forrest and NLP classification models to output lower price product comparisons. This new approach leverages a real-time human-in-the-loop system to maximize accuracy.
Case study
Donor Matching case study
Donor Matching
Built machine learning-based system to efficiently and accurately identify best donor match from thousands of online DNA profiles for biotech company that develops high speed DNA sequencers and software.
Case study
Art Marketplace: A woman observes two pieces of art on a wall
Art Marketplace
‍KUNGFU.AI built a recommendation model trained on a taste graph that mapped vectors of taste onto properties of artists and open-ended questionnaires which lead to an increase in conversions
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