Out of concern for public health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, our team began working remotely last week and will continue to do so until public health officials determine it is safe to cease social distancing. All of our operations will continue as usual, but any in-person meetings will be moved to video conferencing.
We see it as our responsibility to do our part to flatten the curve and approach this outbreak in a thoughtful and calm way. We are all very proud of the culture we've created at KUNGFU.AI so in an effort to maintain that during this time of social distancing, we are implementing a few measures to try and keep our employees connected and our culture alive - please feel free to borrow these for your team if they're helpful.
We are all in uncharted waters with this pandemic outbreak and we, like so many others, are doing what we can to help keep our community safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19. We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone again in person at the appropriate time.
Safe and healthy wishes!